Considering that school is an important aspect of our success Mai Aisha Trust with support of Drop Of Compassion donors we have constructed Mulimba primary school.
During the Month of June MAT has handled over Masuku Junior primary school which has been built in Mtwera Village T/A Bwanangámbi in Mangochi
With the help of Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) MAT constructed Nangapoche CDSS which was officially opened on 4th January 2022. The school has blocks for form 1 to form 4,…
On 4th January 2022 MAT officially opens Ngala primary school which they constructed at Namakanga village T/A Mponda with the help of World Care Foundation. The school has facilities such…
Following the financial commitment from brother Ashraf Patel through DOC.. Mai Aisha Trust constructed primary school blocks in Mikundi village T/A Mbwananyambi in Mangochi District. The school is known as…
Situated in Mangochi as well, T/A Makanjira Total enrollment: 122 (67 girls and 55 boys) It has 6 qualified teachers. Classes: form 1 to form 3. Facilities: Laboratory, library, 9…