Water and Sanitation
Access to clean water by the rural communities is a priority in ensuring the spread of waterborne diseases is prevented by drilling boreholes in drought stricken areas. In additional to drilling general boreholes, Mai Aisha Trust collaborates with other organisations and facilitates such programs.

Kamphenda borehole was also drilled in Rumphi district in Kamphenda village T/A Chikulamayembe with financial support from Drop Of Compassion. Over 3,000 people are benefiting from this borehole. Problems Faced…

The Borehole was drilled in Rumphi district in Lusani Village, T/A Chikulamayembe, with the financial support from Drop Of Compassion. Over 2,000 people are benefiting from this borehole. Problems that…

The borehole was drilled in Mikundi Village T/A Bwananyambi Mangochi district. Funded by Brother Ashraf Patel from UK through Drop Of Compassion (DOC).

The borehole was was drilled in Mtotora Village, T/A Ngokwe in Machinga district with the financial support from Drop of Compassion (DOC).

The borehole was drilled in Chagunda village T/A Kawinga Machinga with the financial support from Drop of Compassion (DOC).

The borehole was drilled at ntcheu secondary school in Gumbu village, T/A Kwaitane Ntcheu District. Funded by our partner from uk Drop of Compassion (DOC).