MAT Opens Nangapoche Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) In Mangochi.
With the help of Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) MAT constructed Nangapoche CDSS which was officially opened on 4th January 2022.
The school has blocks for form 1 to form 4, Administration block, 2 Laboratories.
As it is newly opened currently it has started with form 1 only. There are 74 pupils (38 girls and 36 boys) and 7 teachers. These students has been selected by the Government since the school is already under Government.
MAT has supplied desks, stationary, books and electricity to the school.
Problems Faced Before Nangapoche CDSS
- There was no secondary school in this area so students were covering a long distance.
- There were a lot of drop outs because of long distance.
Solutions that Nangapoche has brought.
- Drop outs number has reduced since students are not covering a long distance.
- This school has also benefited surrounding villages.
- It has create to Graduate teachers.
Start Date:
End Date:
Project Partners:
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)