Goat Pass-on Project

Goat Pass-on Project

Goat pass-On project is one of the successful projects implemented by Mai Aisha Trust project. The project started in 2015 with support from external donors who vested interest to uplift living conditions of the rural communities, particularly, women. Technical support in this intervention is provided by the Department of Animal Heath and Livestock Development. The project is being implemented in Mangochi, Traditional Authority Mbwana Nyambi’s area.

Mai Aisha Trust distributed goats to three villages on goat pass-on programme with funding from Drop Of Compassion (DOC). The following villages benefited on the programme:

In 2015 a total of thirty families from two villages namely Somba and Namwala were identified. A total number of 60 female goats and 2 male goats were distributed to the identified justified beneficiaries in the identified villages, where each farmer received 2 female goats.

Somba Goat Pass On Project

In 2018 a total of fifteen families from Nkawa village were identified for the goat pass- on programme. With the support from Drop Of Compassion 34 goats (30 female goats and 2 male goats) were distributed to the identified deserving beneficiaries, each farmer received two goats and after giving birth the two female goats are passed on to the next beneficiary. Now ( March, 2020), the number of beneficiaries has increased from 15 farming families to 37 farming families and  the total number of goats is 243 (176 female goats and 67 male goats)

Namwala Goat Pass On Project

The project started in the year of 2015, with a total of 15 farming families. Each farmer received 2 female goats, making it a total of 30 female goats and 2 male goats. The number of beneficiaries has now increased from 15 farming families to 37 farming families . Currently the total number of goats is 124 (31 male goats and 93 female goats)

Therefore, currently there are a total of 367 goats and a total number of 74 direct beneficiaries benefiting from the goat pass-on programme.

Due to the positive impact of the project, other international organizations such as Ummah Welfare Trust has shown interest to partner with Mai Aisha Trust in providing financial support to enhance continuity of the project so that living standards of the poor households in the rural is improved.

Thus, in the same year 2018, Ummah Welfare Trust distributed 424 goats to 8 village (Nkawa, Ngokwe, Mikundi, Namininga Masuku, Issa, Nakapa and Adamu) in Traditional Authority Bwanayambi, Mangochi. Over 200  people are  benefiting.

  How The Project Is Benefitting The Villages

  • Increased crop production- as animal dug is used as manure in the fields.
  • Improved living conditions -as farmers generate income through the sales of meat, hence reducing of hunger in the families.
  • Improved nutrition- farmers are getting milk and meat from the animals.
  • Able to provide support to school going children.
Start Date: 2015
Project Partners: Drop of Compassion (DoC, Ummah Welfare Trust