During Ramadhan period Mai Aisha Trust (MAT) with the help of donors such as: Akhiral Team, Serving of Creation Foundation (STC), Crisis Aid Donor, World Care Foundation, Charity Right, Drop Of Compassion (DOC) (Brother Ashraf Patel) distributed various food items such as: Rice, Maize Flour, Cooking Oil, Soya Pieces, Sugar, Salt to Eldery, Orphans, Madrassah students and the needy in Mangochi, Blantyre, Zomba, Mulanje and Chiradzulo districts.
As Mai Aisha Trust we believe in giving since Charity and good deeds are always important in Islam and on this special occasion of Ramadhan Muslims are supposed to share blessings and feeding the needy.
Objectives for distributing this Ramadhan food packs were as follows:
- To provide descent foods to the needy on this day since some were finding hard to purchase such items.
2. To put a smile on the needy.