Mai Aisha Trust Constructs Two Irrigation Schemes in Mangochi
In 2018, Mai Aisha Trust constructed two irrigation schemes in Mangochi with funding from Peace and Relief International Trust, a UK based charity organization. The two irrigation schemes are Nakawale and Pachibale irrigation schemes respectively.
- Nakawale irrigation scheme covers an area of about six (6) hectares of land:
- It comprises of thirty-three (33) farmers and over 350 indirect beneficiaries
- 13 males and 20 female famers
b) Pachibale irrigation scheme covers an area of four (4) hectares of land.
- It comprises of thirty (30) farmers and over 300 indirect beneficiaries
- 8 males and 22 females
- The two irrigation schemes do share the same intake and the same river.
- Farmers in both schemes are well organized.
- High availability of water supply in both schemes.
- The farmers are very grateful of the development as they will have higher productivity on irrigated land since productivity on irrigated land is considerably more than the productivity on unirrigated land, there will be an increase in multiple cropping and reduced instability in output levels.