Due to Cyclone Ana that occurred in Malawi in the month of February many people lost shelter, crops, Livestocks and their belongings. MAT with the help of Drop Of Compassion thought it wise to respond to affected people.
We distributed food packs, plastic shields and cash to 1000 people at Mwalumbira primary school in Matenganya village T/A Chowe on 24th February 2022. T
Problems Faced Before the Relief:
- Affected people lost their shelter so they did not have anywhere to stay.
- Families were unable to provide to their children with basics need such as food.
Benefits of this Relief:
- Provision of plastic shields helps the affected people to construct temporally shelters.
- The little cash that they were given they manage to buy basic needs for their families.
- Affected families they felt relieved after getting food packs.