Mai Aisha Trust has introduced feeding program with the funding from Charity Right for both primary and secondary schools.
The feeding project started in June 2021 in three Madrisah’s namely Al-haqa, BDEC (Kameza roundabout) and MDI Madrissah which is based in Machinjiri area 5.
The month of December they extended to Thyolo district Hamida Madrissah which is at Chonde and Likhubula Madrissah in Khonya Village.
In the month of January they will extend it more to primary schools and secondary schools from different districts as Blantyre, Zomba, Mangochi and many more.
Challenges that were faced before this feeding project were:
- Most students who came from poor families they were failing to attend school because of hunger.
- Students from poor families were dropping schools just because they cannot be attending classes with an empty stomach.
Benefits of this project:
- To provide food to those who cannot manage to have it.
- Reduce malnutrition cases
- Improve the attendance of children in schools.
- Relieve hunger burden to families that cannot provide food to their children when going to school.