The Borehole was drilled in Rumphi district in Lusani Village, T/A Chikulamayembe, with the financial support from Drop Of Compassion.

Over 2,000 people are benefiting from this borehole.

Problems that were faced before the Borehole

  1. There were using unsafe water both drinking and domestic uses.
  2. People were walking a long distance to fetch water.
  3. Spread of waterborne diseases were so high.

How things have changed with the Borehole

  1. People have now access of clean water.
  2. It has lease the burden of long distance walking to fetch water
  3. Reduce the spread of waterborne diseases.
  4. Water sanitation & hygiene has been improved.
Start Date: November,2019.
End Date: November,2019.
Total Beneficiaries: 2,000
Project Partners: Drop Of Compassion