Food Security
Mai Aisha Trust complements Government efforts to ensure food security at household’s level by engaging rural farmers into small scale irrigation farming. The trust in partnership with the Irrigation Services Division (ISD) of the ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and water Development render financial support to small scale irrigation schemes. As dependence on a single annual rain season production has resulted in perpetual food deficits in the districts and the country at large.
This is exacerbated by erratic rainfall patterns, dry, spells, drought and floods whose occurrence has increased due to climate change effects. Irrigation is meant to be the only major long term solution to that challenge. In addition, food demand in the districts has been increasing steadily due to the absolute increase in population. Food and cash crop production under irrigation is, therefore seen as one way of improving productivity thereby sustaining more households with increased levels of food and cash crops.
Since 2007 a total of seventeen (17) irrigation schemes have been implemented by Mai Aisha in Blantyre, Chiradzulu and Mangochi districts with financial support from well-wishers. Farmers grow crops such as maize, beans, vegetables and fruits. Irrigation enhances multiple harvests in growing season which in turn empowers the farmers to have enough food at household level as well as for sale to generate income. Money realized from sale help the farmers to pay school fees for their children, hospital bills and buy farm input etc.